OSINT Drip 7-7-2021
Travel and Tourism
The UN World Tourism Organization, says international tourism and its closely linked sectors suffered an estimated loss of $2.4 trillion in 2020 due to direct and indirect impacts of a steep drop in international tourist arrivals. According to UNWTO, international tourist arrivals declined by about 1 billion or 74% between January and December 2020. In the first quarter of 2021, the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer points to a decline of 84%.
The first, and most pessimistic, is a 75 percent reduction in international tourist arrivals.
Turkey will be the worst hit under either scenario, according to Unctad, with its economy contracting by 7.8% in the best-case scenario and 9.1% in the worst case.
Google Trends shows us that while flight and hotels are on the uptick, flights are long to recover V hotels. It’s likely people are going on holidays but staying close to not have to deal with COVID test protocols.
Brazil ranks first for “flights” searches.
Germans are searching the most for hotels.
Despite the drop in tourism some countries such as Thailand and South Korea have been able to offset the loss with growth in the manufacturing and exports market as the network identifies.
Global Taxes..
The Biden administration on Thursday received the backing of 130 countries for a global minimum tax on corporations. The governments are seeking to pass laws that will tax corporations 15% in each nation they operate in, which will reduce opportunities to avoid paying taxes. Much of the expected revenue would go to emerging markets like India. Revenue may also go to France and Germany, two countries that have warned against tax avoidance.
Alternative Energy
By 2070, global demand for hydrogen is expected to increase sevenfold, with many countries are stepping up efforts to increase green hydrogen and hydrogen usage for the energy transition, with a focus on larger-scale, more power system-friendly electrolysis. While Google trends show the interest in Hydrogen power is rising, there are still issue with costs at scale to be worked out.
To think about...
The German steel industry alone would require 12,000 wind turbines to switch its production to green hydrogen, she pointed out, suggesting a 100% renewable-based hydrogen economy is unlikely to happen any time soon.
Black and brown coal comes in at $90-140/MWh, and a head-turning $170-300/MWh with carbon capture and storage, while gas generation is estimated at $70-120/MWh.
Hydrogen's role in the power sector is predicted to have a share of 15 percent, allowing for more flexible electricity generation, the company believes.
The most central stocks right now to the market are:
The most connected companies/asset are below broken down by sentiment (Green = positive, yellow = neutral, red = negative). Bitcoin is tops, Apple has the most positive sentiment while Samsung has the most negative sentiment.